Identifying and treating hearing loss is a journey. Audiologists strive to understand where each person is on that journey to ensure we are making recommendations for the individual and not just based on what the hearing test shows.
Stages of the Journey to Better Hearing:
- Pre-contemplation: “I don’t think I have a problem with my hearing”
- You don’t realize you have a hearing loss, or it doesn’t seem serious enough to seek help.
- Contemplation: “I might have a hearing loss”
- You are ambivalent about making a change.
- You feel comfortable with your present situation but fear the consequences of not taking action.
- Preparation: “I think I need help with my hearing”
- You have reached a tipping point where you are ready to act on your hearing difficulties, but not sure how to proceed.
- You seek information to support your decision from an audiologist but considering dealing with it alone.
- Action: “I am going to do something about my hearing loss”
- You decide to act on your hearing needs.
- You worry about not being able to follow through.
- Maintenance: “I am using my hearing devices”
- You are using your hearing devices but feeling ambivalent.
- You are pleased with your decision to use amplification but find it hard to accept the implications of hearing loss.
- You might feel sad and forget the reasons you decided to get hearing devices.
- You might feel successful and happy with your decision. The hearing devices are life changing and you don’t want to be without them. (skip to “Permanent Exit”
- Relapse: “I don’t like using my hearing aids”
- You struggle to wear your hearing aids consistently or give up all together.
- You don’t want to be bothered with your hearing aids.
- You are motivated to try again with something that is more comfortable.
- Permanent Exit: “My hearing aids are here to stay”
- You are grateful for better hearing and communication with loved ones.